
You’re welcome to contact Customer Support if you would like to leave a testimonial about our services.

Bil­ly saw Jane Wang on our dat­ing site.

Jane is 47 years old and be­fore she re­tired from work she was a sales ma­n­ag­er in Bei­jing. She joined our web­site a few months ago and met Bil­ly, the love of her life. At first she was not very con­fi­dent about com­mu­ni­cat­ing be­cause her En­glish was quite poor but since she has been talk­ing to Bil­ly a lot, her En­glish has im­proved very quick­ly.

Jane told us that the rea­son why she has picked up En­glish so fast is be­cause Bil­ly is such a fun­ny per­son that ev­ery time she talked to him he made her laugh. Even though Jane's En­glish is still not per­fect, Bil­ly is very pa­tient with her. Bil­ly used to own a car garage so they have lots of things in com­mon to talk about.

Bil­ly told us that his chil­dren live a long way away so he feels lone­ly a lot of the time. When he met Jane on the web­site, he felt his heart beat quick­en and af­ter they had talked for a while, he felt so much more con­nec­tion with Jane. He thinks she is the one and he even wants to learn Chi­nese and move to Chi­na to live with her in the near fu­ture.

We hope they can make each other’s lives per­fect and live hap­pi­ly ev­er af­ter.

Billy and Jane
November 2018

I’m very grateful to you for all these opportunities for communication with ladies from abroad that you provide for your customers. It’s actually very effective way for finding your true soulmate. Among thousands of profiles, I’ve chosen the only one woman, who I love with all my heart. Thank you for your job!

Kurt, Germany
November 2018

Jake and Re­bec­ca saw each other on the web­site and now they’re dat­ing.

Jake is 56 years old and owns a mo­tor­cy­cle shop. He is a very con­fi­dent and bold per­son. When he saw Re­bec­ca’s pic­ture on our web­site, he knew that he must con­tact this gor­geous lady. And he did. He told us that he is now to­tal­ly be­sott­ed with Re­bec­ca and just can’t stop think­ing about her.

As for Re­bec­ca, she had been on our web­site for quite a long time but had nev­er met the right one un­til Jake. She says she likes bossy and con­fi­dent guys and Jake hap­pens to be like that. And Jake is re­al­ly tak­ing care of her even in Chi­na. She al­so told us that Jake’s Chi­nese is re­al­ly good now which makes her think Jake is very spe­cial in­deed.

We wish them love and joy to­gether and hope that one day they will get mar­ried.

Jake and Rebecca
November 2018

I know that the ladies I like to meet and get to know tend to be a little shy. I have tried to find them in the traditional settings of bars and clubs – but I have had no luck. I have been pleasantly surprised with how easily I have found ladies on Asiansingles2day.com. I thought I would get a lot of confident and loud people – but it is easy to filter these out at the message stage. You don’t have to be over the top on the site – it is good to be yourself and then you can find someone you will spend a life-time with. Well done on an excellent service!

Mason, Australia
November 2018

Hans, 62, is a re­tired busi­­ness own­er who hand­ed his com­­pany to his son and who now spends his days en­joy­ing his hob­­by of pho­­tog­ra­­phy. Rong, 60, is a re­tired gov­­ern­­ment ad­min­is­­tra­­tor who loves to dance and who is dig­ni­­fied, el­e­­gant, soft­­­ly-spo­ken and has all the virtues of a tra­di­­tio­n­al Chi­­nese wo­m­an.

Hans was im­me­di­ate­­ly at­­trac­t­ed to Rong which made him un­­sure ex­ac­t­­ly how to say hel­­lo to his cho­sen god­dess but this did not stop him.

Hans took a deep breath and sent the most sin­cere in­­vi­­ta­­tion to the di­vine Rong, say­ing “Hey, I will ac­­com­­pany you to the park ev­ery day to watch you dance, and I want to take pic­­tures of you. I want to be your own per­­so­n­al pho­­to­g­ra­pher. Is that OK?" Rong was hap­py to agree.

Their first face to face meet­ing, af­ter com­­mu­ni­­cat­ing on the dat­ing site, was ar­ranged in a park which is where their jour­ney of love hap­pi­­ly be­­gan.

Hans and Rong
November 2018

I always knew that most of the Russian women cook perfectly and look stunning… And it’s completely true. Thanks to your service, I was lucky to check it myself. I’m chatting with Ekaterina from Saint-Petersburg now and she is often sending me some pictures of her home-made food – it’s so delicious. I can’t wait to try it, hope it’ll happen soon… 

Adrian, Sweden
November 2018

Next year will be the tenth an­niver­sary of the be­gin­n­ing of Ben and Ting's re­la­tion­ship. They met on this web­site nine years ago. Ben is an Amer­i­can fi­nan­cial an­alyst and Ting is a kin­der­garten teach­er in Chi­na. They are like a cou­ple of tee­nagers in love.

When Ben visit­ed this site, he was im­me­di­ate­ly at­tract­ed by the sim­ple and love­ly beau­ty of Ting. He stayed up all night to write a long love let­ter to her but wor­ried that Ting's En­glish lev­el may be limit­ed and that she would not un­der­s­tand. So, at the end of that long love let­ter, he add­ed, “My sto­ry is too long so I will keep it short in­stead - I have fall­en in love with you.”

When they even­tu­al­ly met face to face through our dat­ing site, Ting ten­der­ly held Ben and told him that, even though they had exchanged many let­ters and had talked of­ten for more than six months, she had al­ready been dee­p­ly moved by the last sen­tence of his orig­i­nal let­ter be­cause she tru­ly felt his sin­cer­i­ty and thought­ful­ness.

They were hav­ing great time, as Ting's old­er brother took them to many in­ter­est­ed places in Chi­na and they got to know each other bet­ter. From this day for­ward, Ben and Ting are so hap­py to­gether!

Ben and Ting
November 2018

When your life is so busy it is hard to think how you can ever get a date ever again in your life. Asiansingles2day.com saved me from a life of complete and utter sadness and loneliness. I have always been a bit dramatic. Honestly though – I can check out some profiles in my break – and then some messages in my lunchtime – then maybe chat on an evening and set up the date. I don’t even have to leave my desk to do my date surfing! I am still using the site – having fun and getting to know some wonderful people – it is going to be successful – I know it!

Jacob, the UK
November 2018

Ge­orge and Li­hua met in an in­ter­est­ing and ro­man­tic way.

Ge­orge, a Ca­na­dian elec­tri­cal en­gi­neer, was a se­ri­ous man. He didn't come here to this site with any great ex­pec­ta­tions but his Chi­nese friends en­cour­aged him to try it.

One day, about two months af­ter he had signed up to the site, he came across Li­hua, who was a year old­er than him. He said ‘Hi’ to her and Li­hua an­sw­ered amus­ing­ly, ‘Hi, Ge­orge, say hel­lo to your Mrs. Di­nosaur for me.’

Ge­orge had orig­i­nal­ly planned to ask Li­hua doubt­ful­ly ‘Are you a re­al lady?’ but Li­hua's re­p­ly im­me­di­ate­ly made him laugh, be­cause Ge­orge in­s­tant­ly thought of Pep­pa Pig. Ge­orge said he fell in love straight away with this naugh­ty and child­like Chi­nese wo­m­an. He al­so gave Li­hua a very in­ter­est­ing En­glish name, Pep­pa, which has be­come Li­hua's spe­cial nick­name.

In less than a month, Ge­orge and Li­hua fell in love with each other and Ge­orge asked the site to ar­range his first trip to Chi­na to meet Li­hua. The ro­man­tic jour­ney was a suc­cess.

George and Lihua
November 2018

Thank you so much for your wonderful attitude to the clients! At first, I had some questions about the service, because I wasn’t a very good user of the Internet, but I got answers to all of them. Actually, it’s really easy to communicate with women from different countries and even send gifts and flowers to them.

Manuel, Austria
October 2018

Jian Ying and Ben met each other on the dat­ing site.

Jian Ying is 47 years old, very nice and friend­ly and she is a teach­er from Chang­sha. She has known Ben ev­er since she joined the dat­ing site and at first it was dif­fi­cult to com­mu­ni­cate un­til Ben start­ed to teach Jian Ying En­glish. Then they were in con­tact all the time, writ­ing to each other and chatt­ing to each other via video or on the phone.

Jian Ying told us that Ben was a very good En­glish teach­er and, even be­fore they met in re­al life, they were able to com­mu­ni­cate with each other re­al­ly well.

Ben told us that when he first saw Jian Ying on the web­site she had short hair and, al­though he pre­fers ladies with long hair, af­ter a while he was re­al­ly tak­en by her per­so­n­al­i­ty so, af­ter com­mu­ni­cat­ing for six months, they de­cid­ed to meet in re­al life.

The mo­ment they met, Ben told us that he fell in love with this lady. He had a won­der­ful time in Chi­na, they went trav­elling to­gether and en­joyed spend­ing time with each other and now Ben says they are gett­ing on so well that he wants to mar­ry Jian Ying.

We wish them all the best and hope they cre­ate a hap­py life to­gether.

Ben and Jian Ying
October 2018

Wow wow wow wow! What amazing beautiful women – all in a row and all looking for someone like me – and sometimes clicking and choosing to chat to me too. This is one amazing site! I have so many positive experiences to report on – so many friends I have made. But, the best news is that I have found someone who I want to marry – to spend the rest of my life – and all thanks to AsianSingles2Day. Try this site… try it today! It has made me the happiest man in the whole world.

Nate, Australia
October 2018

I tried signing up for this website out of curiosity and it wasn’t disappointing. After chatting with four different women I met Mei from China. She is a really nice person and we have the same interests: travelling and playing computer games. We are really close now and I think I’m ready for the next step in our relationship. 

Elias, Finland
October 2018

Qiao and Kishore met each other on the dat­ing site and, since the very be­gin­n­ing, they wrote to each other ev­ery day. Kishore re­mained faith­ful to Qiao and he told us that, in all the time they were com­mu­ni­cat­ing with each other, he did not re­p­ly to any other lady on the dat­ing site. They wrote and chatt­ed with each other at a fixed time ev­ery day and for Kishore this was the hap­pi­est part of his day.

Af­ter com­mu­ni­cat­ing for a few months, Kishore flew to Chi­na to meet Qiao and their first meet­ing was at the air­port to­gether with a mem­ber of our staff. They then went to a ho­tel where Kishore stayed for ten days. Ex­cept for when she was work­ing Kishore and Qiao spent ev­ery day to­gether and she in­tro­duced him to her daugh­ter who liked Kishore very much. They spent a hap­py time to­gether while he was in Chi­na.

While Qiao was at work, Kishore col­lect­ed her daugh­ter from school and he be­came very fond of them both. He want­ed them both to lean En­glish and then go to live with him in Aus­tralia and things are go­ing so well that Qiao and her daugh­ter are now plan­n­ing to move there.

We all wish them a hap­py life to­gether.

Kishore and Qiao
October 2018

Gui is 62 and comes from Heng Yang in the Hu Nan province of China. She has very long black hair and you can tell from her photo that she is very open minded and very good at keeping in touch with her friends.

Robert and Gui got to know each other through the dating website. Robert was first attracted by her long hair and then they started to write to each other every day. They also talked to each other by live chat and had a fixed time to talk every day.

At the beginning, Gui did not know very much English but Robert tried to teach her a little more every day and, after just a few months, they could communicate with each other using simple English words. Gui is also teaching Robert Chinese. They got on really well with each other by email and live chat so, after nearly a year, Robert went to Changsha to meet his lovely lady. They were very happy when they met each other in person. Gui had told us that she thought that she would never find love at her age but we reminded her that love is never limited by age or nationality.

Robert took Gui to his home in America where they are getting on so well that soon they will be married. We send them both our warmest wishes.

Robert and Gui
October 2018
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