
You’re welcome to contact Customer Support if you would like to leave a testimonial about our services.

An­drew and Lili fell in love on our site and now they are liv­ing hap­pi­ly to­gether in Lon­don.

An­drew is a sin­gle hard work­ing man from Lon­don with a big fam­i­ly of four kids and six grandchil­dren. He is a very in­de­pen­dent and kind lov­ing man. Af­ter his di­vorce six years ago, he be­gan to search for true love again. He al­ways feels it was fate that brought Lili in­to his life and then brought him a new and hap­py fam­i­ly. He knows he will cher­ish and love Lili for­ev­er.

Lili lived with her on­ly son in Liaoyang in Chi­na. She had been work­ing hard to give her son a bet­ter life but she nev­er stop dream­ing of find­ing her own Prince Charm­ing some­time in the fu­ture. Last year she found our site and then start­ed her search. It was then that An­drew came in­to her life and made a big change and a new be­gin­n­ing. She feels so hap­py and excit­ed, es­pe­cial­ly as soon she will be­come his lov­ing wife.

They are now hold­ing each other’s hand and walk­ing hap­pi­ly to­wards their new fu­ture to­gether.

Andrew and Lili
August 2019

Tom­my and Jiali had a great date in Chi­na and soon they will have a fan­tas­tic wed­d­ing and a long and hap­py mar­ri­age.

Tom­my is from Aus­tralia and a sin­gle fa­ther of three sons who had been sin­gle for many years. He thought he might be alone for even longer un­til one day he joined our site and saw Jiali, He was re­al­ly excit­ed and could not wait to get to know her and talk to her. He told us he feels very lucky to have joined this site and found his bright star, Jiali.

Jiali is from Bei­jing Chi­na and had been search­ing for a se­ri­ous lov­ing man for a long time. Her daugh­ter al­ways thought that she should find love again and now she fi­nal­ly has got the chance by meet­ing Tom­my. She feels re­al­ly lucky and grate­ful. She will cher­ish him and love him with all her heart for­ev­er.

Now they are still hap­pi­ly dat­ing and their love sto­ry cont­in­ues…......

Tommy and Jiali
July 2019

I live in the most unique country in the world and I was more than happy to meet someone from a different continent who is genuinely interested. That’s how we started our correspondence with Xiaoling two years ago. I’ve visited her in Fushun three times, now she is coming to me – for staying here. I’m an almost married man thanks to you, AsianSingles2day!

Ivar, Iceland
July 2019

John and Xi­u­juan met on our site and now they are plan­n­ing their wed­d­ing.

John has been lone­ly for a long time in NYC, USA. He had a big fam­i­ly with two grown-up kids. He had visit­ed Chi­na when he was quite young and ev­er since then had liked the coun­try and now he dreamed of meet­ing a beau­ti­ful Chi­nese wo­m­an. When he joined our site, he saw Xi­u­juan and was im­me­di­ate­ly at­tract­ed by her. He be­lieved it was love at first sight and they start­ed to chat and write to each other for one year. They some­times met in Chi­na and they gra­d­u­al­ly fell re­al­ly dee­p­ly in love.

Xi­u­juan, from Fushun in Chi­na, had been sin­gle for a few years. She joined this site and im­me­di­ate­ly spott­ed hand­some John. They start­ed to chat and get to know each other. She found John to be a re­al­ly sin­cere and faith­ful man, the sort of man she had been seek­ing for a long time. What re­al­ly sur­prised her was that John came to vis­it her to Chi­na from so far away and she was very moved and touched by John. She had found her Mr Right on our site.

Now they are plan­n­ing a wed­d­ing both in Chi­na and the USA.

John and Xiujuan
July 2019

This website has given me a new lease on life! I met Huiling within a few weeks of joining and it’s been a dream ride to where we are now. The website provided so many great tools to help us communicate and grow our relationship and it seemed so much simpler than on other online dating websites that I’ve used!
Things between us progressed quickly…we have now been married for just over a year and couldn’t be happier! I just don’t know what else to say, other than a huge thank you to the guys at AsianSingles2Day who made this possible!

Peter, USA
July 2019

This is Rol­ly from the USA. He had been on our dat­ing site for some time where he had met a few ladies. He had of­ten been to Chi­na to meet ladies and each time he visit­ed, he had a very good feel­ing about Chi­na and the peo­ple here. This con­vinced him to find a Chi­nese lady to be his part­n­er.

He said find­ing a Chi­nese lady was not easy be­cause when they first meet on the site they can­not have face to face com­mu­ni­ca­tion and they do not know each other’s lan­guage. So, be­cause of cul­tu­r­al and lan­guage dif­fer­ences, it was very hard for him but Rol­ly did not give up and then he met Shan. He knew then that all the dif­fi­cul­ties he had en­coun­tered had been worth it. Now he had met the right one to be with and he want­ed to mar­ry Shan.

He told us that al­though it is hard to find the right one, nev­er give up, you will find the per­fect match in the end - he is a very good ex­am­ple.

Shan shared her sto­ry with us too. She told us that in Chi­na, for a wo­m­an of her age, it is hard to start a new re­la­tion­ship. She had been sin­gle for ten years and she nev­er thought that she would get mar­ried again un­til now.

In her free time Shan liked to watch for­eign movies be­cause she likes west­ern cul­ture. Then one day one of her friends told her about a dat­ing site that could help her to find a part­n­er out­side of Chi­na so she thought about join­ing this site. She told us that there were so many young girls on the site that she felt she had no ad­van­tages but the staff en­cour­aged her to join. She says that she was very lucky be­cause af­ter on­ly a short time, Rol­ly wrote her a let­ter and so the love sto­ry be­gan. Af­ter a few months of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, they de­cid­ed to meet in re­al life with the help of the agen­cy staff.

They told us that even though the lan­guage bar­ri­er is a problem, they can face it to­gether. Love con­quers ev­ery­thing. Now they are mar­ried and live in Chi­na. They told us, nev­er give up hope in the search for your love.

Rolly and Shan
July 2019

It started out as a small chat with the cute stranger and after two years full of chatting, letters and photos, she is here with me, the best lady in my life!

Sebastian, Austria
July 2019

I used to talk to my mates about what our idea of a perfect woman would be! Well, being in my late-30s I thought my time had passed me by and my hopes of finding that perfect lady had gone. How wrong I was.
I joined Asian Singles 2 Day with little hope of my luck changing, but the first thing I noticed was how much fun it was! I met some amazing women and ultimately met my dream girl! Fumi was interesting, polite and funny, not to mention gorgeous! I would literally race home from work so that I could load the computer up to video chat with her! We’re hoping to be together here in England soon.

Daniel, England
July 2019

You never know what to expect from a dating site, but here you are sure to find perfect service, convenient site, and serious sincere ladies. The best of them is Liling but sorry, guys, she is taken! I'm going to visit her later this year to celebrate our first anniversary!

Jens, Germany
June 2019

What can I say?! Living in a cosmopolitan city like Melbourne, I’d met a lot of ladies from all around the world, however, I’d struggled to find my soul mate. That special person I longed to meet! That all changed about six months ago when I joined this website.
After speaking to a couple of ladies in the first few days after joining, I began talking to a beautiful woman from China. After a few messages back and forth, we felt comfortable to speak via video chat and things took off. It’s been an incredible journey and I think I’ve met my happily ever after!

Jared, Australia
June 2019

I always thought that the happiest people live in Italy. Then I met Michiko. She is a small piece of love and joy. She always asks me about my passions, my life, our national cuisine and my football passion (I am sure she never knew anything about football before). However, I love it! I wish I could see her beautiful face next to me all my life.  

Marco, Italy
June 2019

Kang is from Chang­sha where she works at a school as an En­glish teach­er. She has told us that she comes from an or­d­i­nary fam­i­ly and that her par­ents are very tra­di­tio­n­al.

Jack is from Ca­na­da and he joined the dat­ing site be­cause he likes Chi­nese cul­ture and Chi­nese ladies be­cause he be­lieves they are very tra­di­tio­n­al and fam­i­ly ori­ent­ed. He has been mar­ried twice be­fore but he says that if he ev­er mar­ries again it will be to a Chi­nese lady.

Kang and Jack got to know each other on the dat­ing site where at first they wrote and chatt­ed to each other. They al­so exchanged con­tact in­for­ma­tion and, af­ter few months of cor­re­spon­dence, Jack said he would go to Chi­na to meet Kang but she was wor­ried about the meet­ing. She felt she was not yet ready to meet him and Jack thought she was be­ing un­truth­ful with him so they stopped mak­ing con­tact. But, af­ter a week, Kang was mis­er­able not hear­ing Jack’s news ev­ery day be­cause he had been such a big part of her life so in the end they de­cid­ed to meet. Now they have met in re­al life, they ad­mit there are still some dif­fi­cul­ties for them but their love will make them stronger and they will face ev­ery problem to­gether.

Kang and Jack
June 2019

Qian Qian works as a cos­met­ics sales­per­son. She is a very easy go­ing and open mind­ed girl who loves to trav­el.

Za­hir is from Viet­nam where he works as a sailor. He said he nev­er thought that he would find a girl­friend out­side of his own coun­try but it turns out life can be amaz­ing.

They got to know each other on the dat­ing site where they con­tact­ed each other ev­ery day. They told us that nei­ther of them came from a rich fam­i­ly and be­cause exchang­ing let­ters is ex­pen­sive, they just wrote a very long let­ter to each other ev­ery day in­stead of lots of short let­ters. Af­ter a few months of cor­re­spon­dence, they de­cid­ed to meet. Za­hir in­vit­ed Qian Qian to trav­el to his coun­try and he paid for her tick­ets.

This is a pho­to tak­en af­ter Qian Qian ar­rived in Viet­nam and they met for the first time. They were both very hap­py to be dat­ing each other in re­al life. Qian Qian likes Viet­nam very much and would love to spend the rest of her life there.

Quian Quian and Zahir
June 2019

My experiences with online dating websites had always been quite mixed, but AsianSingles2Day has changed all of that. It’s so easy to use and there were lots of great people to speak with.
I met Mingfeng a year ago and we haven’t looked back. It’s like it was meant to be and I have traveled to China to visit her twice, she has also been to the US to visit me. It’s a dream come true to find someone like her and we’ve even found ourselves discussing the future together. Who knows where it will lead, but I’m having the time of my life right now!

Justin, USA
June 2019

Richard is from Amer­i­ca but has been teach­ing in Chi­na for six years and so he can speak very good Chi­nese. He likes Chi­na and the cul­ture here. He says the peo­ple are re­al­ly kind and sin­cere.

Tian and Richard got to know each other through the dat­ing site at a par­ty held by the agen­cy. There were lots of other sin­gle men and wo­m­en in­vit­ed to the par­ty but then they met each other.

Tian told us "Quite frank­ly I did not ex­pect to meet any one at the par­ty but then I met Richard and dis­cov­ered we had lots in com­mon and shared the same sense of hu­mour which is very im­por­tant in a re­la­tion­ship. When he told me that he lived in Chi­na, I was re­al­ly excit­ed and we be­gan to chat more of­ten, calling each other and send­ing mes­sages when­ev­er we had the time.

I still re­mem­ber the time we went on our first date alone to­gether with­out any friends or agen­cy staff. We just kept talk­ing and talk­ing, it felt very easy to be with each other. I found Richard ex­treme­ly in­ter­est­ing and, what is more, he is al­so a re­al gentle­man. Af­ter that date we be­came very spe­cial friends. I have to say thank you so much to this site for bring­ing us to­gether and we both know there is more for us to­gether in the fu­ture. When we have some more good news I will share it with you.

I wish ev­ery­one good luck in your search for love and please don’t ev­er give up hope."

Tian and Richard
June 2019
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