Ao from Changsha

age: 24
city: Changsha
id: 48519
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This week is happy to introduce a gorgeous lady Ao from Changsha, China. Ao is a positive and confident lady, who likes traveling! Read Ao’s story and enjoy her lovely photos!

Hel­lo dear

I am a sweet and ro­man­tic, love­ly and pas­sio­nate, pos­i­tive and con­fi­dent, in­tel­li­gent and hu­mor­ous wo­m­an. Do you want to get close to a wo­m­an who is just like a fresh li­ly? I am the one, I have a pure heart, a fair-skinned body and a sweet taste. But if you think I am a timid and over­cau­tious per­son that you can bul­ly, no way. Ha ha.

Some­times I am like a wild cat with so much en­er­gy I can do any­thing I want. I am nev­er afraid to try new things in my life. I hope you like me and we can do new things to­gether.

I like camp­ing, bungee jump­ing, hik­ing, yeah lots of out­door ac­tiv­i­ties. I like the beau­ty of na­ture. Would you like to join me and dis­cov­er more pos­si­bil­i­ties?

Do you be­lieve that love tri­umphs over ev­ery­thing? I be­lieve that. I have a wish that I make ev­ery year that I'll mar­ry a good man, who is lov­ing and car­ing, and that we'll be hap­py to­gether just like a Prince and his Princess.

Yours, Ao

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