Qi from Changsha

age: 25
city: Changsha
id: 48222
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This week AsianSingles2Day.com is happy to introduce a charming lady Qi from Changsha, China. Qi is a quiet and gentle lady, who likes dancing and playing the piano! Read Qi’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos!

Hi dear­est,

Life is a gift and I am grate­ful for ev­ery­thing that comes in­to my mine. No mat­ter what we face in life, if you re­main op­ti­mis­tic then you will find that all will be fine. Can you see from my smile what a pos­i­tive and cheer­ful per­son I am?

I like trav­elling, shop­ping, movies, sports etc... but my fa­vorite sport is swim­ming. There is a swim­ming pool at my fam­i­ly’s house where my Dad taught me to swim. I have great me­m­ories of those days hav­ing fun with the fam­i­ly.

If you could choose one su­per­pow­er to have, what would you want to be able to do? I wish that I could fly, I'd be thrilled if I had that as my su­per­pow­er.

I love the blue sky and the fresh air but the en­vi­ron­ment isn't very good in the ci­ty where I live be­cause it has a large pop­u­la­tion, ev­ery­where is crowd­ed, no room to breathe. What is it like where you live?

Can you tell me some­thing about your­self?

Sweetie, Qi

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