Xiaoqian from Changsha

age: 26
city: Changsha
id: 48233
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This week AsianSingles2Day.com is happy to introduce an amazing lady Xiaoqian from Changsha, China. Xiaoqian is a gentle and quiet lady, who likes reading! Read Xiaoqian’s story and enjoy her beautiful photos!

Hi dar­ling

I am a 20 year old lady from Chi­na. I'm lov­ing, ro­man­tic, loy­al and sin­cere with tra­di­tio­n­al val­ues. I will be a good friend and a good wife when I find my man. I would love to amuse him and fire his pas­sion in my own way.

I re­al­ly ap­pre­ci­ate the re­spect we give each other. The re­spect of each other’s life, fam­i­ly, needs and de­sires is very im­por­tant. I will re­spect you, love you and care for you as a lover, a fam­i­ly mem­ber and a soul­mate.

As I'm learn­ing En­glish at the mo­ment I don’t think it will be too long be­fore I can speak it flu­ent­ly with you. I've learned a bit about west­ern cul­ture so I don’t think there will be many dif­fi­cul­ties in our fu­ture life to­gether.

My par­ents are open mind­ed and I think they will ac­cept you if they can see that you re­al­ly love me.

If you are re­al­ly in­ter­est­ed in me and want to build a lov­ing re­la­tion­ship with me, please write to me. OK?


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