Chinese Fast Food: What Dishes do Chinese Ladies Enjoy?

Once you start dating Chinese ladies, you are pretty quickly going to be taking them on a date to a restaurant. While the Chinese actually have a very varied palate when it comes to food, they really enjoy Chinese fast food too, and there are some very definite dishes that you should be ordering if you want to impress your online date. If you are out to make a strong statement with your Asian lady, you could do so by ordering:
Chow Fun
This is a well-loved dish in many Chinese meals, and presents fluffy rice noodles together with either pork, beef or seafood and a thick sauce and is bound to melt your heart. Order this and she will soon be wanting another dinner date.
Peking Duck
One of the staples of any Chinese meal, this is always a favourite with Asian ladies, and every one has their favourite part, be it the crispy, crackling-like skin, the slices of dark meat with lush, fatty ribbons, or the whole lot wrapped in pancakes with spring onions and hoisin sauce. Gaze into her eyes over these and she will be yours.
Phoenix Claws
These are actually chicken feet that have been dyed red and deep fried, these are a favourite snack in a good Chinese restaurant and your online date is likely to want them for the sheer delight of sucking the crispy skin from the bones and crunching up the bones. There’s not much meat, but there is plenty of taste.
Once cooked, these soft and glutenous creatures become quite crispy, and with a nice taste. These are usually served cold and tossed with green onions and toasted sesame to make a really memorable side meal for your Chinese ladies.
Century Egg
While actually immersed in a mix of black tea, slaked lime, salt and freshly burned wood ashes for up to five months rather than 100 years, these aromatic eggs are a taste acquired by Asian children from an early age. Your Asian date will be especially grateful if you order these.
Shrimp Dumpling Soup
One of the tests of a relationship with Chinese ladies is to eat messy food together and in China, they don’t come messier than this thin but tasty soup with oodles of noodles. Slurp this together and you will soon be very close to your beautiful Asian woman.