7 Summer Activities for You and Your Asian Lady

Getting to know your Asian lady better is all about spending time together and learning all about each other. It is all well and good spending time in each other’s company but you also need to have fun while doing it. Now that the better weather is here it is the perfect way to get out and about and have a good time with your Asian lady – here are some ideas!
Go To The Park
The park is always a nice idea, especially if you choose one that has plenty of shady places to relax too. That way you get to enjoy the sunshine but also take a break from the heat when it gets too much. You can take some lunch with you, enjoy a picnic on the grass and make a day of it. Most park websites will tell you about the facilities they have, so you can easily plan a fuss-free trip!
Take a City Break
Why not take a day out and visit a different city? You could drive there or take an adventure on a bus or train. Speak to her about the things that she likes to do and what she might enjoy. There are pockets of the UK that have a nod to Asian culture; Soho in London for example so taking a trip there might be nice.
Outdoor Cinema
A trip to the cinema makes a really fun date but can be a bit hot in this weather. Have a look for local outdoor cinema options and you get to combine the beauty of sitting in the park with the enjoyment of watching a film together.
River Boat Ride
Being near the water is something your Asian lady might well enjoy, especially in the nice weather. You could go on a riverboat ride – or a canal or lake if those are nearer. Many of these have options for booking lunch or other entertainment so it can make a really fun date.
Be Tourists in Your Own Town
There are probably loads in your hometown that you haven’t seen because you haven’t found the time. Why not look up lots of local attractions and take some time out to enjoy these? You’ll be nearby to home but still having plenty of fun.
Host a BBQ
Having a get-together at your house is a great way to meet her friends/family and for her to meet yours. Family is something that is likely to be important to your Asian lady so making the effort to get to know them and inviting them into your home is something she will really be pleased to see.
Go on a Staycation
If you’re looking for something to do that takes up more than an afternoon why not book a staycation for you and your Asian lady? It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, just a trip away with a change of scenery – you could even combine some of the tips in this article with your a few days away.