Chinese Horoscope 2018 for you and your Chinese lady

If you’re planning to marry your Chinese lady, then 2018 could be the perfect year in which to do so according to Chinese horoscopes.
The signs of the Earth Dog, Horse, Tiger and Ox
From 6th February, the Year of the Earth Dog officially begins in China. The year will bring much positivity to your life, but particularly important is the additional stability, excitement and opportunity that the year will introduce. This excitement and stability should definitely impact your relationship with your Chinese bride.
Perhaps most positively from a romance and potentially even marriage point of view, those with the star sign of the Horse, Tiger or Ox. These star signs will have seen their loyalty rewarded and find someone to spend the rest of their life with, such as your Chinese lady.
If you’ve found the Asian girl of your dreams, and either of you are one of the above star signs, then 2018 is most definitely the year to get married. If you’re not quite ready for marriage, then enjoy building your relationship and growing closer than ever before will be top of the agenda as you enjoy the Year of the Earth Dog.
The sign of the Rabbit
If your Chinese star sign is Rabbit then 2018 could be a great year for you to continue enjoying your relationship with your Chinese bride. People who have the sign of Rabbit will find comfort in 2018, and each passing day will help take another step toward that goal, so relaxing into a loving relationship with your Chinese woman could be on the cards.
The singns of Roosters, Goats or Dragons

I’m dreaming about true love
For those with the star sign of Roosters, Goats or Dragons, 2018 will be about slowing down, taking it easy and relaxing. The key will be to enjoy your life, and to do so together with your Chinese lady, enjoying each day and making the most of the year ahead.
The signs of Rat and Pig
The signs of Rat and Pig will most likely find reward for their hard work rewarded in the form of promotions or pay-rises at work, but it’s also possible that you will be rewarded for hard work in making a relationship with your Chinese lady succeed.
The signs of Snake and Monkey
Finally, the star signs of Snake and Monkey will get a new strength and learn new lessons during the Year of the Earth Dog. It could be time to learn more about your Chinese lady, what she likes, and how your relationship together can continue to grow and succeed.