Five Tips to Follow if You Want to Attract Attention to Your Online Dating Profile

Online dating has never been more fun, but it’s also never been quite so competitive with so many singles around the world looking for love online.
It’s an amazing opportunity for you to meet new people and potentially find the person you will spend the rest of your life with. However, first, you need to attract them.
Research suggests that it’s highly unlikely that you will find love with the very first person you meet when using an online dating website. Therefore, you need to attract people to get in touch with you and match with you.
The best way to do this is by polishing your profile so it looks the best that it can and tells the most accurate yet attractive story of you.
So, to help you on your way, here are five top tips for getting attracting attention to your online dating profile.
Images – it’s all about the images
Well, so online dating profiles are not solely about the images, but they go a long way. No matter what social media profile image you may be using, it’s time to get real and use images that accurately portray you now. Don’t put a photo up that’s five years old because your hair was better. Nor a picture of when you’re drunk. And definitely don’t use a picture in which you have another lady present!
Instead, opt for a nice clear, up-to-date image of yourself that was taken recently. Don’t have anyone else in shot or it can confuse anybody viewing your profile as to which one is you. Show as much of yourself as possible.
You should still pick an image that shows you off in the best way possible though. If you’ve had a photo taken at an event, or in work or maybe at a friend’s wedding when you’re dressed well, your hair looks good and you look happy and healthy, then as long as it hits the parameters above, go with that one.
Be interesting
Don’t bore people to tears with what you put in your profile. They don’t want your life story just yet, or to know that you were once the under-12 swimming champion at school. Keep it to interesting information about you NOW, who you are, what you do, etc.
Keep paragraphs brief
Keep your paragraphs of text brief in your bio, 3-4 lines max. A long paragraph of more than this will probably just not get read and women will probably skip to the next guy’s profile. Also, use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. It’s got to be readable!
Don’t use clich?s
Drop the clich?s. This isn’t a job application, it’s an advert for yourself.
Be honest about what you want
Finally, honesty really is the best policy. Without going into lots of detail, putting a small amount of information about what you want out of being on the website can go a very long way.