Chinese New Year 2017: traditions that Chinese ladies love the most

Chinese New Year is one of the most colorful and exciting festivals in the world, and it is celebrated in Chinese communities across the globe. When dating Chinese ladies, it’s vital that you know what traditions are important to them at New Year, and how to ensure the festival goes off well.
In China, festivals are always stacked with traditions, and there are none bigger than New Year. As the Chinese New Year for 2017 draws ever closer, let’s take a look at which traditions that Chinese ladies love the most.
Chinese ladies like gift giving
In China, it is traditional that gifts will be taken to parties for New Year and exchanged. Gifts are to symbolize the income of a person or family, so do not feel pressured into taking flashy and expensive gifts. Chinese women will love a gift that says something personal and one that fits in with your budget.
A few words of advice when delivering your gift; firstly, never give your gift with a price tag on as Chinese ladies may see this as an indication that you expect a gift back of equal value. Also, do not give gifts when in groups, instead wait until your Asian lady is alone. This is to avoid the embarrassment of both your lady and others around you.
Red and gold banners
Perhaps one of the most symbolic decorations for Chinese New Year is handmade red and gold colored banners with writing on. The writing will be in Chinese and will be a message of good luck for the year ahead, so it’s well worth researching some Chinese phrases to include. The banners often adorn entrances, doors, and windows at New Year. Chinese ladies love to see these traditional banners made by their loved ones, and if you can make a banner with a good luck message written in Chinese and surprise her with it at New Year, you’ll be doing very well indeed.
A clean house
Another very traditional act in China is to ensure that the house is perfectly clean for Chinese New Year. This is done to rid the house of any bad luck from the previous year and will involve cleaning the house from top-to-bottom. For Chinese ladies visiting their loved ones for New Year, this will be a real indication of you respecting her tradition and culture.
Pay respects to ancestors
On New Year’s Eve, people in China will often visit the temples, shrines or graves of ancestors and pray, as well as taking gifts along with them. The gifts will often be things such as incense sticks or food, and they are to good fortune for the New Year. Chinese ladies love to be part of this very important and historic tradition, and so offering your Chinese women the opportunity to go to a temple or similar in New Year’s Eve, and taking some gifts along with you, will be warmly received. It shows huge respect to the Chinese culture as a whole, as well as to the history and heritage of her own family.