A perfect telephone date with your Asian lady: best tips

If you’re looking to set up that first telephone date with your Asian lady, it’s good to have a few pointers as to how to make it a success.
If you’ve met your dream lady, then it’s likely you want to get to know her better. When you take that relationship to the next level and opt for a telephone date, it’s important to be prepared, not only so that your Asian lady is impressed but also to give yourself a chance to continuing building your relationship.
With this in mind, here are our top tips for a perfect telephone date with your Asian lady.
Have some questions lined up
It’s natural that on any date with a beautiful lady that there may be awkward silences, especially earlier on in the relationship. The best way to be prepared for this and disguise any silences is to have a list of topics of conversation or questions ahead of the call.
This doesn’t need to be a grilling, they can be friendly, short questions to ask just to stimulate further conversation.
Show an interest in family, friends, and lifestyle of your Asian lady
Your Asian lady will be just as nervous as you are, and so a good way to help break the ice is to ask her about her own life. Showing a keen interest in her family and friends is a sure-fire way of getting her to open up, and also for her to realize that you’re genuinely interested in her as a person.
Keep it fun
A telephone date should be enjoyable for both participants, and if you want your relationship to truly grow and flourish then you need to ensure that your Asian lady loves it every bit as much as you do. Don’t be too deep with the conversation topics, maybe even have some simple jokes lined-up just in case things turn too serious or dry. At the same time, you don’t want it to become a slapstick comedy sketch, so don’t overdo it!
Give the impression that you’re relaxed
Dates always work better for both parties if they’re relaxed. Put your Asian lady at ease as much as possible during your conversation, and even if you’re really nervous, compose yourself before the call and try and make it seem like you’re nice and relaxed. If you can maintain this calmness, then it will rub off on your date and you’ll both be a lot more comfortable speaking together.