St.Valentine’s Day: Celebrate With Your Asian Single

Valentine’s Day is unlikely to be a new concept to you, but when you have a new love interest on the scene the day takes on a whole new meaning. Without a doubt, you are going to want to impress your Asian single mate this Valentine’s Day and we wanted to share with you some ways to make that happen.
Knowing How To Celebrate
Knowing how to celebrate is really important because everyone has their own traditions and things that they like. If you want to impress your Asian single mate this February then speaking to them about their likes and dislikes in advance can really help.
For example, if they mention they are into poetry then you could write them something special. If they are more interested in a long-term relationship, then you can use Valentine’s Day to talk about your dream future and the type of life the both of you would like together.
Different Asian Traditions
Depending on where in Asia your Asian single lady friend lives, she may have her own, unique traditions. For example in China it is tradition for a woman to treat men to tasty chocolate on Valentine’s Day, but not necessarily with any romantic intentions.
In Korea, there are two celebrations – Valentine’s Day on the 14th February where women gift men chocolate, and then White Day on the 14th March when it is the men’s turn to gift treats to women.
In Thailand, they love to celebrate love, and Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to do this, although it is not common to gift chocolate as the temperatures mean the gift could be ruined before the recipient has a chance to enjoy it.
Making Your Asian Single Feel Special
Whether you get to hang out with your Asian single mate on Valentine’s Day or not, it is the one day of the year that you have the perfect excuse to make her feel special. If your relationship is progressing online then why not suggest a virtual date or send her a message that will put a smile on her face?
Ultimately you know the lady best so knowing what she will like and respond well to is probably easy, but if not then respecting her and showing her that you are willing to communicate, commit to a relationship, and put her first is a great start! After that, the rest will fall into place as you get to know each other more and more.