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How to Eliminate Shyness While Dating Online

Most people find dating online a little bit daunting. It can be scary when they first start as it is never easy putting yourself out there. If you are a shy person it can be even harder to take that first steps. There are ways you can help yourself be more confident and eliminate some of that shyness.

How to Eliminate Shyness While Dating Online

I want to be loved by you!

What Is Causing This Feeling?

It can help when you first start to try and work out what is making you most anxious and shy about online dating. Ask yourself what is it you are most scared of? And then try and work out how you can overcome this fear. By working through the worst-case scenario it can someone help you rationalize the thing that is making you most worried about dating online.

Worry About Being Judged

Lots of people feel most shy about how they will be judged or perceived by others. We all know a big part of online dating is how you look physically as this is the first thing that people see. You need to practice self-love and remember that you are worthy of finding love. Remember, you may not be everyone’s cup of tea just like you won’t fancy every person you come across but there is someone out there for everyone. Make sure you take some nice pictures. Don’t worry if you don’t get the perfect one straight away. Take your time and ensure you feel confident enough before you post.

Creating Great First Impressions

The great thing about online dating is you only have to show the best parts of yourself straight away. Of course, it is always important, to be honest with any potential partners. Consider what you want to share straight away. Take your time to respond to messages and think about what you want to say before you send them.

How to Eliminate Shyness While Dating Online

Are you a loving man?

Eliminating Shyness

There is not a one size fits all answer to eliminating shyness. One thing you should take comfort from is that it does get easier. It is also remembering that most people partaking in dating online will be nervous to some degree. Being honest with the person you are communicating with can help take away some of the worry. There is a popular saying of “fake it until you make it” and that definitely helps here. Just taking the plunge and getting involved, even if you are shy, means that you get to enjoy the experience. It’s important to not let your shyness ruin things for you.

It is worth considering what triggers your shyness this most. This allows you to work out in advance how you are going to handle them. For example, if you’re talking on the phone is it the awkward silence that worries you the most? If so, put together a list of ice break questions so that you’ll always have a conversation starter to fall back on.

Dating online is also easier as you have time to talk and build a connection with someone without the pressure of being face to face. You can get to know the other person. Find out everything you want to before you commit to taking it to the next step of meeting in person. Shyness can be really debilitating. It can stop you from doing lots of things. However, online dating couldn’t be simpler and allows you to build on your dating confidence from the comfort of your own home.