Traditional summer drinks worth enjoying with your Chinese woman

If you’re dating a Chinese woman, then no doubt you are already having a great summer. But why not make things extra-special by treating her to a traditional Chinese drink?
China in the summertime can be incredibly hot and humid, and so the Chinese know some great traditional drink recipes that help cool them down and stay hydrated during these hot and sticky months.
If you really want to impress your Chinese woman and enjoy a great drink in the process, then why not try making, or buying, one of the following great summer drinks.
Sinkiang Black Beer
This great tasting beer originates from northwest China and is quite a dark and heavy ale. It’s nut-scented, but also has a sweet taste to it a little like brown sugar. It’s great served chilled on those hot and heavy summer evenings and perfect for cooling off with your Chinese woman.
Pearl Milk Tea
Okay, so this drink was originally imported from Taiwan, but is now really popular in mainland China especially in those hot cities during the summer. It’s a sweetened milk tea that also has small jelly bubbles inside that look a bit like pearls, hence the name.
Again, this will be served cold and with a fair amount of ice, possibly some fruit as well. Be warned, it has a bitter aftertaste, but that’s part of the fun. Your Chinese woman will love the fact that you have managed to serve this!
This may be harder to get hold of, but C100 is a branded drink that is water enriched with vitamins and then infused with flavours such as lemon and grapefruit. A perfect drink to cool off with!
Soybean milk

I am looking for my prince…
Part milkshake, part protein shake, this tasty and cool drink can be made at home or purchased in stores and cafes across China. It’s made with yellow wheat beans, so can be altered in flavour by changing the beans.
Chivas mixed with green tea
If you’re after something with a little more fun, you simply must try Chivas mixed with green tea. You’ll find it in bars across China or you can make it yourself. Take a bottle of cold, sweetened green tea and mix it with scotch whisky. Add lots of ice and away you go. Many bars around China serve this drink, so if you’re making it yourself then why not treat your Chinese woman by making a huge jug of it?