Chinese traditions worth following when marrying a Chinese lady

When your relationship with a Chinese lady reaches the point where it needs to progress on to the next level, it may be time to get married. When you’re planning to marry your Chinese lady, which Chinese marriage traditions should you follow?
China is a very traditional country and a country where the family is very important. If you’re going to marry your Chinese lady, then it’s a good idea to follow some of those traditions to ensure you have the respect and support of her family.
Here are some of the top traditions to follow:

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Groom usually pays for wedding
In China, unlike in much of the western world, it is a tradition for the groom to pay for the full cost of the wedding. If the groom is young, or unable to pay, then his parents can also help. While some families in China will no longer expect this, it’s certainly worth being aware of.
Setting the date
The wedding date will usually be set by a Chinese monk or fortune teller, based upon the birth dates and times of the couple. The bride’s family may also be heavily involved in setting the date, often a family meeting can be called to discuss the most suitable dates, so being prepared for the date to be set by someone other than yourself will help in the long-run.
Engagement ring for your Chinese lady
It is expected that the groom will buy his fianc? something to signal their engagement. Like in many other parts of the world, an engagement ring is perfectly acceptable. In fact, the groom can place any item jewelry upon his fianc?s body to signal their engagement, including bracelets and necklaces.

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Betrothal gifts
Around three months before the wedding date, a meeting of the bride and groom’s families will take place. This is very traditional in China, and during the meeting the two families will swap betrothal gifts. The groom must supply all of the bride’s family members with gifts.
Price of bride
At this meeting, dowry payments will also be expected by the bride’s family. The is effectively the ‘price of the bride’, which goes back to very early Chinese traditions. Money was given to the bride’s parents in red envelopes to effectively buy their daughter’s hand in marriage. Again, this may not be expected by your bride’s family, but be aware and ready to respect the tradition if it is.
Wedding day attire
Wedding outfits are big things in the western world, as they are in China. Things are a little more relaxed in some ways, with a bride’s not necessarily having to wear a dress. Be aware though, red is said to bring good luck in China, so there is likely to be some red involved on your big day. Additionally, many Chinese wedding dresses will not be all-white.