True or False? Fact-checking Some of those Stereotypes about Asian Ladies

Wherever you’re from in the world and whoever you talk to or about, people will always have preconceived ideas and stereotypes in their mind. But what truth is in some of those about Asian ladies?
As online dating has helped make the world a smaller place from a dating perspective, it’s allowed us to find love in just about every corner of the world. Asian ladies are universally popular. Men from all over the globe find them attractive, alluring and exciting.
As with anything, there are some stereotypes for Asian ladies as well, but which ones are true, and which should be ignored completely?
We’ve put together a quick myth-busting list of stereotypes and preconceptions that we will clarify once and for all.
Asian ladies are only interested in men with money – FALSE
To say Asian women only like men with money would be so far wide of the mark. Whatever you may have been told or whatever ideas you have in your head about them only wanting rich men, you can dump them right now. Asian ladies, like women from most parts of the world, generally look for real relationships with men. Love, loyalty, trust and the promise of a future together. That’s what they are probably interested in. Money is not going to be high on the list.
Asian ladies are beautiful and take pride in their appearance – TRUE
When you see a woman from China or any part of Asia, their beauty is unmistakable. Often, they will have stunning long, shiny hair, perfect skin and bright eyes. Well, it won’t surprise you to hear that they take a lot of pride in their appearance and will continue to hold onto those beautiful qualities well into later life.
They are happy to sit at home while the man works – FALSE
The days of women being happy to sit at home while the man goes to work are long gone. Asian ladies are increasingly ambitious in the professional lives and have careers which they take a lot of pride in. This is not a one-way relationship of you earning the money, Asian women are interested in a proper balanced relationship in which she will work every bit as hard as you.
Asian ladies are very loyal to their men – TRUE
This one is absolutely true! Perhaps as much, if not more so than women from many other parts of the world, Asian ladies are very loyal to their men. If you get into a loving relationship, you can be confident that she will be dedicated and loyal to you.
They are desperate to move to the UK, USA or Australia – FALSE
One common misconception about Asian ladies is that they want to meet a guy from the likes of the UK or USA simply so they can move there. That is wrong, and in many cases, is someway from the truth. They’ll be as happy for you to move to Asia and start a life with them there as they would be to come to your country. Every single person is different and have different aims in life, so be open-minded.