Defang from Changsha

age: 28
city: Changsha
id: 48221
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This week is happy to introduce a pretty lady Defang from Changsha, China. Defang is a patient and optimistic lady, who likes taking care of people! Read Defang’s story and enjoy her lovely photos!

My dear

I was born in­to a well-ed­u­cat­ed fam­i­ly and al­though my par­ents made sure I had a good ed­u­ca­tion, I think I learned a lot more from them than any­body else. Bet­ter to teach chil­dren good man­n­ers and be­havior through your own ac­tions as well as your words. My par­ents did a great job. I'm re­al­ly grate­ful that I was born in­to such a lov­ing fam­i­ly.

If I am lucky enough to have my own kids in the fu­ture I hope I can teach them to be­come car­ing and kind peo­ple with love in their hearts be­cause they're go­ing to have a pair of very lov­ing par­ents.

I love read­ing, it is my se­cond fa­vorite hob­by be­sides trav­elling.

My fa­ther used to tell me trav­elling and read­ing were the best ways to ex­pand my hori­zons. A suc­cess­ful man will have read many books in his life, and will have trav­elled to many places to learn about the world.

When it comes to love, I am a very loy­al lad. I would not be afraid of mak­ing com­pro­mis­es if we ev­er faced a problem in our re­la­tion­ship and I would ex­pect your love and kind­ness in re­turn.

Yours, Fang.

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