Best Thanksgiving congratulations from Chinese singles to you

If you live in America, then you’re probably starting to get really excited for Thanksgiving. There are lots of Chinese singles who are also excited for you and wishing to spread their own celebratory messages.
Thanksgiving in the US takes place in November. It will see people the length and breadth of the country enjoying some time off and taking part in the festivities. Further afield, people who have spent time in the US or have friends and relatives there may also take part in the celebrations.
For those wishing to spend the holiday looking for love, there are lots of Chinese singles who not only want to meet you, but are also keen to send their own Thanksgiving congratulations to you. It’s a truly international holiday in many respects.
So, without further ado, here are some of the best Thanksgiving messages that we have received from Chinese singles who send them to men looking for love in the eastern world.
Mei, Shanghai
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!! I’m so excited for you, I wish I could be there to sample the celebrations and enjoy the festivities. I hope you are able to enjoy some quality time away from work, and when you’re ready to try some online dating, come and look for the Chinese singles who are so keen to meet men just like you!
Lau, Beijing
I have had some fantastic memories of Thanksgiving celebrations from when I worked for an American company here in China. It’s a brilliant holiday and one you should use to spend time with your family, friends and of course looking for love! Enjoy this most special time!
Xiulan, Shenzhen
You have worked hard all year and now Thanksgiving is going to give you the perfect time to relax, unwind and enjoy some downtime! Happy Thanksgiving!! It’s my ambition that one day I will be able to go to America and join in with these celebrations myself, so make sure you take the opportunity to try some international dating this holiday – if you are interested in Chinese singles just like me, I would love to meet you!
Christina, Kunming
We have some amazing celebrations here in China, and public holidays are a special time as everybody enjoys time off together. Now that Thanksgiving has arrived, make sure you take the time to truly enjoy yourself and do what you’ve wanted for so long! Happy Thanksgiving!