Habits which could ruin your online dating relationship

Finding that dream lady when you’re online dating is the perfect scenario, and it’s more achievable than you could ever have hoped.
However, for many people in an online dating relationship, it’s what happens after you meet that does your chances of long-term happiness the most harm. From bad timekeeping to bad manners and everything in between, there are lots of small things that can begin to cause tension between you and your lady if you do not control them early on.
So, to make sure your online dating relationship is everything you want it to be, here are a few habits to avoid because they will ruin your relationship!
Being lazy when online dating
Just because your relationship is online, it doesn’t mean you can put any less effort in than you would with a traditional offline relationship. When you get comfortable in your dating world, make sure you don’t let standards slip. Make the effort to still dress nicely, have a shave and do your hair before going on to a video chat with your lady. If you turn lazy, your relationship will quickly unravel.
Bad timekeeping
If there is one thing that annoys so many people in today’s world, it’s poor timekeeping. Punctuality is so simple to do right yet so often overlooked. It’s one of the first bad habits that could impact your online dating relationship as well. If you begin to turn up late for video calls, messaging and online chat late, your lady will not be very happy.
It can be too easy in an online relationship to make those daily conversations a little one-sided. If you continually talk about yourself, how you are and how your life is, or pay yourself compliments, then you’re being arrogant. It’s not a nice look and the habit will get you kicked to the kerb!
Speaking to other women while online dating
Online dating is a big place and people can be speaking to more than one potential partner at any particular time. However, if you’re in an online dating relationship, don’t continue to see and talk about other women!
Not asking how she is and how her day has been
No matter who you are in an online dating relationship with, the woman will want to feel valued and that her life matters. Make sure you continue to do the simple things – ask how she is, how her day has been and pay her compliments such as ‘your hair looks nice today’. If you begin forgetting this, it’s not going to make her feel very romantic!