Asian single Jianhong from Hulan, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 53746
Age 47 Birthday 19 Feb 1977
Zodiac sign Aquarius
Height 5' 3'' (1.60m)
Weight 119 Lbs (54 kg)
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Business Owner
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* fluent
Religion Christian
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Hulan, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


I like reading, traveling, taking pics, eating, shopping, lying on the beach, biking, hiking, dancing, listening to the music.


I am a family-oriented Chinese woman. I think family is the most important thing in my life, and work goes next. I wish I can create a strong family with the one I love.

Jianhong is searching for:

All I want now is a warm home and good husband. I can cook so you should be good at washing dishes :). I can do all the house cleaning, can you give me massage or enjoy hot shower with me? It`s good to know how to make romantic surprise at some important date. I want to plan future together, decide where to go once a year. My man should truly enjoy life and understand its meaning. Of course, we must respect each other and trust each other. I think my request is not very strict. Maybe when I fall in love with you, all the demands means nothing.

Horoscope of Jianhong from Hulan

Jianhong is Aquarius (January 21st – February 19th)<br><br>
	The Aquarian woman is an intellectual above all else. Jianhong will captivate you instantly 
	with her ideas and the fervor with which she expresses them. She will delight in showing you 
	new things. Her intelligence will allow her to navigate any social situation without 
	nervousness or awkwardness. In fact, an active social life is critical to her happiness.
	Every day with her will be a new adventure. Although Jianhong is likely to be an avid reader, 
	she also wants to learn about the world through new experiences. She has a humanitarian streak, 
	and will be drawn to volunteer work in her free time.  But her home and family will always 
	come first; Jianhong will put their happiness and well-being above any other commitment she 
	might make.
	The Aquarian woman will be faithful, without question. But the challenge will be channeling 
	her intention into carnal pursuits. It’s not that she doesn’t like sex, and it’s not that she 
	isn’t a sensual person. It’s merely that there is so much to do, to learn, to think about, 
	that her sexual needs may slip her mind.  Whispering sweet nothings in her ear is probably the 
	simplest way to remind her.  But if you don’t stimulate her mind, she may not let you stimulate 
	any other part of her either. Contact Jianhong from Hulan using services.
Jianhong is Aquarius (January 21st – February 19th)

The Aquarian woman is an intellectual above all else. Jianhong will captivate you instantly with her ideas and the fervor with which she expresses them. She will delight in showing you new things. Her intelligence will allow her to navigate any social situation without nervousness or awkwardness. In fact, an active social life is critical to her happiness.

Every day with her will be a new adventure. Although Jianhong is likely to be an avid reader, she also wants to learn about the world through new experiences. She has a humanitarian streak, and will be drawn to volunteer work in her free time. But her home and family will always come first; Jianhong will put their happiness and well-being above any other commitment she might make.

The Aquarian woman will be faithful, without question. But the challenge will be channeling her intention into carnal pursuits. It’s not that she doesn’t like sex, and it’s not that she isn’t a sensual person. It’s merely that there is so much to do, to learn, to think about, that her sexual needs may slip her mind. Whispering sweet nothings in her ear is probably the simplest way to remind her. But if you don’t stimulate her mind, she may not let you stimulate any other part of her either. Contact Jianhong from Hulan using services.
Confirmed Profile
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