Our Happy Matches

Over the years of our company's success, we have put literally thousands of single people in touch with each other. During that time, hundreds of them have been able to find love and that all important soul-mate. We are happy and proud to show you just a few of those numerous happy matches who have agreed to let us post their love stories on this page and share their personal photographs with you.

Liv­ing alone, John missed some­one to hug, some­one who would show him af­fec­tion and un­der­s­tand­ing so when he met Jun­yi and they fell in love, his life was com­plete, he had found his trea­sure.

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Lili was a lone­ly wi­d­ow who was ready to find a man to share her fu­ture with who would al­so love her daugh­ter as his own. And she found ex­act­ly that in Michael, a doc­tor from Aus­tralia, who has cer­tain­ly cured her of lone­li­ness!

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Aaron knew it was time to start a new life and it did­n’t take very long be­fore he met the wo­m­an of his dreams on this site and now he and Jingjing are dee­p­ly in love with each other.

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Ben has thought he would nev­er find his ide­al wo­m­an be­cause he had been search­ing for so long but as soon as he joined this site he met Qian­qian and now their lives are full of love and hap­pi­ness.

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Meng was look­ing for some­one to com­plete her fam­i­ly and be a fa­ther to her son and for Tim, fam­i­ly was the most im­por­tant thing so it is no sur­prise that when th­ese two met on this site, they quick­ly fell in love.

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Tom was lone­ly and look­ing for love and Jie was search­ing for a fam­i­ly life full of hap­pi­ness so when they found each other, there was no doubt they would be spend­ing the rest of their lives to­gether.

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Af­ter be­ing sin­gle for 10 years, Jeff de­cid­ed to let fate and this site find him some­one to love and then sud­den­ly Jie ap­peared and now they could not be hap­pi­er!

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Yang hoped she would meet the love of her life on this site and af­ter search­ing through many pro­files, she found Tim who had al­so been look­ing for some­one very spe­cial for a while. Now they are to­tal­ly in love and can’t imagine life with each other.

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Jing was look­ing for some­one to give her heart to and share her life with and Mat just want­ed to love and be loved so when they found each other on this site, their fu­ture to­gether was sealed!

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When they re­al­ized how lone­ly they were, Kate in Chi­na and Rob in the USA both de­cid­ed to join this site and when they found each other, it was love at first sight and now not even dis­tance will ev­er keep them apart.

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Fei joined the web­site to try to find some­one to love from abroad and feels so lucky to have found Jan in the USA be­cause now they are to­gether and know their lives will be filled with hap­pi­ness.

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Al­though she had dat­ed be­fore, Juan had nev­er found the hap­py end­ing she longed for un­til she met Jim who melt­ed her heart, and now they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried and will nev­er be lone­ly again.

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