Asian single Youzhen from Nanning, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 49916
Age 61 Birthday 29 Sep 1962
Zodiac sign Libra
Height 5' 3'' (1.60m)
Weight 110 Lbs (50 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Manager/Supervisor
Education College
Marital Status Divorced
Level of English* basic
Religion Not religious
Children son, 43 y.o.
son, 39 y.o.
daughter, 30 y.o.
Plans Children No
Residence Nanning, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


Traveling, Parks, Listening to music, Nature, Cinema. I am an easygoing person who likes many different outdoor activities. I especially like playing tennis. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to music or reading.


I am a woman one can rely on, a trustworthy and responsible lady. The fact is, that in this kind of profiles, someone can read things and ideas which are very close to the ideal! Ideal things don’t exist! Otherwise, it couldn’t be ideal. So, no matter what, somebody could say about herself, attitude, character, hobbies, virtues - that`s is important. I find a western man to be very loving and would like to meet a fun-loving man for a serious relationship/marriage.

Youzhen is searching for:

I`m looking for someone who is honest, kind, caring, considerate of others, and fun to be with. I think a sense of humor is as important as anything else.

Horoscope of Youzhen from Nanning

Youzhen is Libra (September 24th – October 23rd)

The Libra woman never needs to struggle to see the good in everyone around her. In fact, she is so trusting sometimes she may seem naive. Youzhen believes in fate, and true love, and that every happiness is out there just waiting for her to arrive. Her optimism is contagious. She sees beauty everywhere she looks, and is always gentle and charming and truly a joy to be near.

Youzhen will never be rude or overbearing, but she also doesn’t take criticism well. She is ruled by her emotions, and may overreact at times when things don’t work out the way she’d hoped. But her tears quickly turn to smiles when comforted or complimented. She loves flowers, candy, and all the other trappings of romance.

The Libra woman fully expects that her lover will “complete” her. Because of this, she will never stray in mind or in deed. When she commits to someone, she commits herself completely. She will never tire of being wooed, however. She refuses to believe that chivalry is dead. She will make you her everything, both in bed and out, and if you’re up to the task, you will never be happier. Contact Youzhen from Nanning using services.
Confirmed Profile
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