Asian single Jing from Chengdu, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 53040
Age 24 Birthday 3 Jul 2000
Zodiac sign Cancer
Height 5' 7'' (1.69m)
Weight 103 Lbs (47 kg)
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Business Owner
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* good
Religion Not religious
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Chengdu, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


By dancing I free my feminine energy. Travels give me inspiration. Hiking gives me body health and strength. And cooking helps me to show up all the fantasy and experiments that I want to try or impress with.


I am raised in Orient traditions of home. I am loyal, faithful and open-minded, keeping cozy traditions about family, love and faith between partners.

Jing is searching for:

If you want to fill up your home with Oriental light tones, then you match me the best you can. I dream to be with a loyal, responsible man who values healthy principles of building family and having kids.

Horoscope of Jing from Chengdu

Jing is Cancer (June 22nd – July 23rd)<br><br>
	The Cancer woman will build her entire world around her home and family.  Nothing in her life 
	will ever seem more important than the happiness of her loved ones. Jing is passionate about 
	having a happy household, and will do whatever is necessary to make that happen. She will hold 
	a high moral standard for herself at all times, and work hard to prove to you that she would 
	make a wonderful wife and mother, if just given the opportunity.
	Jing is the type of woman who will always have dinner ready precisely when you walk through 
	the door.  She will listen to your fears and frustrations, and will provide all the comfort 
	she can muster. She will want children, probably many children, and will be happiest when she 
	feels most useful.
	Sex without deep love is of no interest to the Cancer woman. She is a sentimental romantic who 
	craves tender foreplay by candlelight. Of course, her nurturing nature means that she will 
	always do whatever she can to make sure all of your needs are met as long as she knows that 
	she is loved. Jing may be somewhat jealous if given the slightest cause, but when secure in 
	her relationship, a more faithful and dedicated lover could not be desired. Contact Jing 
	from Chengdu using services.
Jing is Cancer (June 22nd – July 23rd)

The Cancer woman will build her entire world around her home and family. Nothing in her life will ever seem more important than the happiness of her loved ones. Jing is passionate about having a happy household, and will do whatever is necessary to make that happen. She will hold a high moral standard for herself at all times, and work hard to prove to you that she would make a wonderful wife and mother, if just given the opportunity.

Jing is the type of woman who will always have dinner ready precisely when you walk through the door. She will listen to your fears and frustrations, and will provide all the comfort she can muster. She will want children, probably many children, and will be happiest when she feels most useful.

Sex without deep love is of no interest to the Cancer woman. She is a sentimental romantic who craves tender foreplay by candlelight. Of course, her nurturing nature means that she will always do whatever she can to make sure all of your needs are met as long as she knows that she is loved. Jing may be somewhat jealous if given the slightest cause, but when secure in her relationship, a more faithful and dedicated lover could not be desired. Contact Jing from Chengdu using services.
Confirmed Profile
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