Asian single Fang from Anda, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 55068
Age 35 Birthday 29 Aug 1989
Zodiac sign Virgo
Height 5' 6'' (1.68m)
Weight 110 Lbs (50 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Marketing
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* fluent
Religion Christian
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Anda, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


Every time I pick up a camera, I feel like I`m a magician. I can turn a cat into a lion and a flower into a tree. My photos are always so funny that you can`t help but laugh out loud.


I have always dreamed of making my dreams come true and everything I propose and day after day I wake up with the hope of being a better woman and feel fulfilled. I am a loyal woman, respectful with strong family values, a fun lady full of joy, a lover of nature and also of life, I like to live every moment with total intensity...

Fang is searching for:

I’m looking for someone who knows what he wants in his life. I think that money and material things will end across the time, so the most important for me is your essence and what you've got in your heart. I hope we can know a little bit each other and maybe we can have something else than a cute friendship. Everything can happen. Would you dare?

Horoscope of Fang from Anda

Fang is Virgo (August 24th – September 23rd)<br><br>
	The Virgo woman is shy and modest. To call her prudish is unfair; she is just guarded.  She 
	tends to blush easily and beautifully. The Virgo woman will never do anything that will cause 
	you to think badly of her. Fang is well-mannered, delicate in her speech, and submissive 
	in her thoughts. 
	Her living space will be immaculate. Disorder makes her uncomfortable, and she is not at all 
	afraid of hard-work. Fang is a born care-taker and wonderful with children, whether they be 
	her own or someone else’s. She does not care for conflict, and will likely yield to any 
	reasonable request made of her.
	Because she will never wear her heart on her sleeve or ask for what she wants, it is crucial 
	to her happiness that she has an attentive lover. She does enjoy sex even if she doesn’t 
	always know how to make it known. An attention to detail is critical when making love to 
	the Virgo woman, as she tends to be subdued in passionate situations. Contact Fang from 
	Anda using services.
Fang is Virgo (August 24th – September 23rd)

The Virgo woman is shy and modest. To call her prudish is unfair; she is just guarded. She tends to blush easily and beautifully. The Virgo woman will never do anything that will cause you to think badly of her. Fang is well-mannered, delicate in her speech, and submissive in her thoughts.

Her living space will be immaculate. Disorder makes her uncomfortable, and she is not at all afraid of hard-work. Fang is a born care-taker and wonderful with children, whether they be her own or someone else’s. She does not care for conflict, and will likely yield to any reasonable request made of her.

Because she will never wear her heart on her sleeve or ask for what she wants, it is crucial to her happiness that she has an attentive lover. She does enjoy sex even if she doesn’t always know how to make it known. An attention to detail is critical when making love to the Virgo woman, as she tends to be subdued in passionate situations. Contact Fang from Anda using services.
Confirmed Profile
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