Asian single Xiao from Zunyi, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 55263
Age 23 Birthday 19 May 2001
Zodiac sign Taurus
Height 5' 3'' (1.60m)
Weight 95 Lbs (43 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Office Position
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* fluent
Religion Christian
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Zunyi, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


Reading, to me, is as natural and indispensable as breathing. I love to wander in the sea of books, whether it`s fascinating novels, inspiring biographies, magnificent historical chapters, or imaginative science fiction adventures.


I am a confident woman with remarkable qualities of beauty and wisdom coexisting. My educational background is solid, and I have achieved success in my career, being independent and self reliant. If you are looking for a young and unique female partner who desires to establish deep emotions in real life rather than virtual networks, then please do not hesitate to write to me.

Xiao is searching for:

Perhaps you may have concerns due to my age, thinking that I am still young and unclear about what I am seeking in my heart. But in reality, I have long understood that what I long for is a mature partner whom I can meet and get to know in real life. I firmly believe that sincere love can only shine its brightest light in the interweaving of reality, rather than just staying in the illusion of the internet. Do you also hold the same view on this?

Horoscope of Xiao from Zunyi

Xiao is Taurus (April 21st – May 21st)<br><br>
	Horoscope describes Xiao as loyal and dedicated. Once she fixes her attention on something 
	(or someone) all of her energies are poured into achieving her goal.  This is very little that 
	will deter her from her end objective. Morality is important to Xiao and she may seem somewhat 
	old-fashioned at first.
	It isn’t always easy to snare the heart of the Taurus woman. Although she enjoys the company of 
	the opposite sex, it takes something extraordinary to persuade her to enter a liaison. Sincere 
	compliments may influence her somewhat, but nothing will turn her off more quickly than 
	insincerity. She is never careless when it comes to love. She will carefully weigh all the 
	potential outcomes before committing herself to a lover.  
	Once she does however, magic can happen. Although the Taurus woman will likely have a strong 
	sex drive, infidelity would never cross her mind. A single lover is all she wants and all she 
	can handle. She is always sensual and easily pleased, but will never offer her physical 
	affections, instead preferring to wait until asked. Contact Xiao from Zunyi using services.
Xiao is Taurus (April 21st – May 21st)

Horoscope describes Xiao as loyal and dedicated. Once she fixes her attention on something (or someone) all of her energies are poured into achieving her goal. This is very little that will deter her from her end objective. Morality is important to Xiao and she may seem somewhat old-fashioned at first.

It isn’t always easy to snare the heart of the Taurus woman. Although she enjoys the company of the opposite sex, it takes something extraordinary to persuade her to enter a liaison. Sincere compliments may influence her somewhat, but nothing will turn her off more quickly than insincerity. She is never careless when it comes to love. She will carefully weigh all the potential outcomes before committing herself to a lover.

Once she does however, magic can happen. Although the Taurus woman will likely have a strong sex drive, infidelity would never cross her mind. A single lover is all she wants and all she can handle. She is always sensual and easily pleased, but will never offer her physical affections, instead preferring to wait until asked. Contact Xiao from Zunyi using services.
Confirmed Profile
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