Asian single Lanting from Anbu, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 55292
Age 26 Birthday 11 Mar 1998
Zodiac sign Pisces
Height 5' 4'' (1.63m)
Weight 97 Lbs (44 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Police
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* fluent
Religion Christian
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Anbu, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


Hello! I have a keen interest in history and archaeology. I like to study ancient civilizations and learn about human history and culture. I am also a nature lover and enjoy hiking and camping on weekends.


I have a unique personality, simple and pure. Faced with the storms of life, I always use humor as a shield and laugh at challenges. This strength is particularly precious in difficult times. I embrace change and am always ready to embrace new emotional experiences and life experiments. I long to meet a similarly simple and pure soul, to explore with me the simple yet profound human happiness. After all, true beauty often lies within the ordinary. I love exploring the unknown, whether it`s the scenery of new places or the joy of weaving dreams, they all make me yearn for them. Singing and dancing are my ways of expressing emotions, they make my world more colorful. However, in this splendid life, I only lack a mature and stable partner who can provide me with the most sincere emotional support and unwavering confidence in the future.

Lanting is searching for:

I would like to find that man who feels complete when he reaches his goals, the one who is kind, loving and responsible, who when he touches me makes my skin stand on end, that he looks into my eyes and transmits peace to me... If when you read this, you felt it could be you, I wait for your message.

Horoscope of Lanting from Anbu

Lanting is Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)<br><br>
	The Piscean woman is delicate and ethereal. From the first time you meet her, you sense that 
	there is something magical about her and you’re right. Lanting is tremendously empathic, almost
	 to the point of seeming psychic, and she will know what you want and need before you are even 
	 sure yourself.  
	Her spirituality is very important to her. What she believes, she believes with ever fiber of 
	her being, and it doesn’t matter if she can’t see or touch it. She knows it’s there. Lanting 
	will make decisions based on nothing more than her instinct, and more often than not, they 
	will be the right decisions. Follow her hunches and you will never be disappointed.
	The Piscean woman forms attachments easily, and really enjoys being around members of the 
	opposite sex, but that is no cause for concern. One of the things she believes in is true 
	love, and once she has chosen you, she will not stray. Every moment with her is an ecstasy, her 
	every movement an unintentional seduction. She will be desired by many, but completely devoted 
	to you. Contact Lanting from Anbu using services.)
Lanting is Pisces (February 20th – March 20th)

The Piscean woman is delicate and ethereal. From the first time you meet her, you sense that there is something magical about her and you’re right. Lanting is tremendously empathic, almost to the point of seeming psychic, and she will know what you want and need before you are even sure yourself.

Her spirituality is very important to her. What she believes, she believes with ever fiber of her being, and it doesn’t matter if she can’t see or touch it. She knows it’s there. Lanting will make decisions based on nothing more than her instinct, and more often than not, they will be the right decisions. Follow her hunches and you will never be disappointed.

The Piscean woman forms attachments easily, and really enjoys being around members of the opposite sex, but that is no cause for concern. One of the things she believes in is true love, and once she has chosen you, she will not stray. Every moment with her is an ecstasy, her every movement an unintentional seduction. She will be desired by many, but completely devoted to you. Contact Lanting from Anbu using services.)
Confirmed Profile
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