Asian single Mengyang from Ancheng, China personal profile

Confirmed Profile
ID 55305
Age 28 Birthday 27 Dec 1996
Zodiac sign Capricorn
Height 5' 5'' (1.64m)
Weight 103 Lbs (47 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Smoke Non-smoker
Drink Never
Occupation Handmade
Education College
Marital Status Single
Level of English* fluent
Religion Christian
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Ancheng, China
* the level of English is estimated by the lady


I have an endless passion for travel, eager to shuttle between different cultural landscapes, as if every departure is a deep exploration of the soul. I prefer to personally plan my journey and immerse myself in the exploration of the long history and rich culture of the destination. That thirst for the unknown always sparks my greatest curiosity. Traveling for me is not only a rest stop for my body and mind, but also a dual journey of expanding my horizons and wisdom, allowing me to gain the vastness and profundity of the world through continuous walking.


I, a mischievous little troublemaker who always adds a touch of brightness to ordinary daily life and brings warmth and laughter to a gloomy life, always carry an optimistic attitude. I firmly believe in the beauty of human nature and dream of meeting the man who can win my heart and embrace me gently. Let us talk about everything in our correspondence, whether it`s deep questions or light laughter, they become bridges connecting each other. At this moment, I am quietly waiting for your letter, looking forward to drawing our own story together.

Mengyang is searching for:

My ideal partner in my heart is the one I am willing to cherish with all my might! Isn`t this exactly what true love should look like? What I crave is a truly mature man who understands the art of love and being loved. If you are also searching for such a deep affection, then let us cherish every moment and not let time flow in vain! Looking forward to your letter and embarking on this wonderful journey together.

Horoscope of Mengyang from Ancheng

Mengyang is Capricorn (December 22nd – January 20th)<br><br>
	The Capricorn woman is best defined as ambitious and determined. She is always practical, 
	never frivolous, and will not waste your time or your money. She is a firm believer that hard 
	work is its own reward, and she isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. Mengyang is rather 
	conventional both in thought and action, and will most likely be pretty in a classic way. She 
	does not follow trends or do anything at all on a whim.
	But once the Capricorn woman decides to put her lot in with yours, she will give you all of 
	her efforts and attentions. Mengyang is patient and kind, and will be supportive of your every 
	dream and desire. She will want to be the rock you lean on when things get hard. She is 
	compassionate, but not overly emotional, and will try to reason her way to a solution rather 
	than intuit one.
	Although she will never be overly comfortable with public displays of affection, it is a 
	completely different story once you are alone with her behind closed doors. She is an attentive 
	lover. She is at her most vulnerable when in love and will show you her tender side that she 
	normally keeps hidden away. If you are gentle with her, she will continue surprising you a 
	little at a time for years to come. Contact Mengyang from Ancheng using services.
Mengyang is Capricorn (December 22nd – January 20th)

The Capricorn woman is best defined as ambitious and determined. She is always practical, never frivolous, and will not waste your time or your money. She is a firm believer that hard work is its own reward, and she isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. Mengyang is rather conventional both in thought and action, and will most likely be pretty in a classic way. She does not follow trends or do anything at all on a whim.

But once the Capricorn woman decides to put her lot in with yours, she will give you all of her efforts and attentions. Mengyang is patient and kind, and will be supportive of your every dream and desire. She will want to be the rock you lean on when things get hard. She is compassionate, but not overly emotional, and will try to reason her way to a solution rather than intuit one.

Although she will never be overly comfortable with public displays of affection, it is a completely different story once you are alone with her behind closed doors. She is an attentive lover. She is at her most vulnerable when in love and will show you her tender side that she normally keeps hidden away. If you are gentle with her, she will continue surprising you a little at a time for years to come. Contact Mengyang from Ancheng using services.
Confirmed Profile
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