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Mar­vin and Jing Wen start­ed talk­ing to each other on our web­site in 2014.

Their re­la­tion­ship has come a long way since then. At first, Jing Wen didn’t even know how to speak En­glish so com­mu­ni­ca­tion was a huge deal back then. She knew that she could not re­ly on our trans­la­tors for­ev­er if she want­ed to be with Mar­vin so she start­ed to learn En­glish from scratch.…

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Marvin and Jing Wen

I am an Asian American living in South Dakota and there are very few people to meet out here in the wilds. I wanted my children to look like me – is it ok to say that? I have been using this site for the last few months and have been having a lot of fun talking to different ladies. I think I may have found my girl – Jan is everything I could…

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Jeff, the US

Women in my country are always too busy for family and children. It is their right of course, but I’ve always dreamt of a lovely wife who would stay home and take care for me, our future kids and my dog. I spent some time here on this site searching and then I saw Xian. She had pictures with her dogs in her profile, she smiled so softly that I decided to give us…

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Bernd, Switzerland

Ying is an out­go­ing and ac­tive wo­m­an who ap­proach­es life with a pos­i­tive at­ti­tude. She be­lieves in fate and that if two peo­ple are not destined to be to­gether then their re­la­tion­ship will not last. Leo­nard is an Amer­i­can with a spe­cial in­ter­est in Chi­nese cul­ture who has been fond of Chi­nese food and his­to­ry since his child­hood. He al­ways want­ed to find a Chi­nese lady to be his…

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Leonard and Ying

I am a small farmer living on the coast. Each day I work outside and each day I came home and cooked for myself. I was happy enough I thought. Then, I met Yang and I realized that contentment is far more important than fleeting happiness. She helps me around the farm and she writes her beautiful stories. I found her on your site and her profile did not do enough to capture how…

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Joseph, New Zealand

I am a fan of Chinese culture from childhood and always wanted to find a lovely Chinese lady. I even visited China myself but got nothing because of the language gap. But this site solved my problem! I’ve found Li here and interpreters helped us to talk. Now we chat every day and I have perfect motivation to learn Chinese – to impress her with my knowledge when I come to Shanghai. 

Ludwig, Germany

Hong Wen is a 42-year-old tra­di­tio­n­al Chi­nese wo­m­an who lives in Shi­ji­azhuang, He­bei province. Three years ago, she di­vorced her hus­band of 13 years and then came across Jim­my on the dat­ing site. Jim­my is a 47-year-old Sin­ga­pore­an and, be­cause he al­so spoke Chi­nese, there was no bar­ri­er to their com­mu­ni­ca­tions.

They were at­tract­ed to each other and of­ten chatt­ed on the web­site and wrote each other let­ters. Jim­my…

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Jimmy and Hong Wen

Tong, 42, lived in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, Chi­na. She had nev­er mar­ried be­cause of her busy work life. She worked as a head nurse in a hos­pi­tal and took care of pa­tients so well that she had no time to make friends. Her col­leagues suggest­ed that she might make friends on­line so she signed up to the dat­ing site.

Sure enough, she found Thomp­son there. Thomp­son was a 63-year-old…

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Thompson and Tong

I feel like I was given the time to really get to know Meichen. There were lots of opportunities to find out about her before we spoke. This meant I could say something meaningful when I first made contact. I think I asked her about her cats, she literally had a cat in every picture on her profile. The site made it easy to talk and see each other as we chatted. Soon we…

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Martin, the UK

Yuan is a 54-year-old Chi­nese wo­m­an who lives in Wen­zhou, Zhe­jiang province. She was an En­glish teach­er when she was younger un­til she re­tired. S­ince then she spent ev­ery day read­ing at home and life was very dull so gra­d­u­al­ly she came round to the idea of find­ing some­one to be with. She signed up to the dat­ing site and quite by chance met Mark, a 57-year-old Amer­i­can…

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Mark and Yuan

I was hoping to find someone nice and charming for chatting but lucky me – I met Yanmei and she is more than that. She is gorgeous, beautiful and cheerful, I feel like we belong together. Thank you for your service!

Niklas, Denmark

Ping is 53 years old. She is a busi­ness wo­m­an from Chi­na who nev­er thought she would find some­one to love un­til the mo­ment she met Richard.

Richard lives in Hong Kong now and has a ten year old son. He was search­ing for a lady from Chi­na be­cause he loves Chi­nese wo­m­en and Chi­nese cul­ture.

Ping and Richard met through the dat­ing site and the agen­cy or­ganized for…

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Richard and Ping

Mike is a typ­i­cal Amer­i­can man who worked hard and made mon­ey but he had still nev­er been mar­ried. He is now 62 years old and felt very lone­ly ev­ery day at home, so he signed up to the dat­ing site.

One af­ter­noon, he opened the dat­ing site and saw Yan Xin’s pic­ture, so he took the ini­tia­tive to say hel­lo to her. Yan Xin, 43, lives in Qing­dao,…

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Mike and Yan Xin

I love Asian women and wanted to find myself an Asian bride, someone to settle down with and we would have loads of children. When you marry someone like Yin, you are sure going to be happy for the rest of your life. Our kids are going to know the world, as she loves her home in China and I love the US. Bringing us together is thanks to the wonders of…

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Jose, the USA

Un­like most mid­dle-aged Chi­nese wo­m­en, Chenchen likes to com­mu­ni­cate on­line and she is very good at it. Since she di­vorced her hus­band, she has lived with her daugh­ter and spends her days cook­ing and chatt­ing on­line. She is a very out­go­ing lady who is al­so very di­rect and want­ed to meet a per­son who would like­wise ex­press them­selves di­rect­ly.

One day, she saw Robert's pro­file on the dat­ing…

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Robert and Chenchen

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