
You’re welcome to contact Customer Support if you would like to leave a testimonial about our services.

Trying to find a soul mate from my favorite place in the world, I met Ying here, on this site. Now we chat every day, know more about each other. Thanks a lot for an opportunity to use video to see each other.

Manuel, Germany

I’ve always thought of myself as the type of guy who would meet someone in a local bar, love would blossom, and I’d live happily ever after. However, that just wasn’t happening. I came on to AsianSingles2Day thinking that there has to be a way to meet my dream woman. I spent the first few days speaking to lots of amazing ladies and then after about two weeks on the website I…

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Brad, England

In love with China, Chinese language and a perfect and humble Chinese woman. Lixia is not only my girlfriend, but she is also my friend, she shares my passions and interests. I am in love and booking tickets to fly to her, everything thanks to you.

Yukio, Japan

This is Haihua, a lady from Changsha in China and Robert is from Australia.
Haihua is a teacher at a university in China who had been single for many years. Although she
likes Western culture, she told us it was hard to decide to look for a partner outside China because
Chinese ladies are very traditional.
But one day her friend introduced Haihua to our website which she says turned out to be a very…

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Haihua and Robert

I’m born and raised in Winnipeg, Canada. It’s a beautiful city, it really is, but when it came to finding that special lady, I was exhausted. I needed something new, some new ladies to speak to who would make me feel alive again!

This website has given me that. After meeting Sharon my life has changed. She’s everything I hoped for in life, and we’re in the process of arranging for…

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Andy, Canada

An­drew and Lili fell in love on our site and now they are liv­ing hap­pi­ly to­gether in Lon­don.

An­drew is a sin­gle hard work­ing man from Lon­don with a big fam­i­ly of four kids and six grandchil­dren. He is a very in­de­pen­dent and kind lov­ing man. Af­ter his di­vorce six years ago, he be­gan to…

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Andrew and Lili

Tom­my and Jiali had a great date in Chi­na and soon they will have a fan­tas­tic wed­d­ing and a long and hap­py mar­ri­age.

Tom­my is from Aus­tralia and a sin­gle fa­ther of three sons who had been sin­gle for many years. He thought he might be alone for even longer un­til one day he joined our site and saw Jiali…

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Tommy and Jiali

I live in the most unique country in the world and I was more than happy to meet someone from a different continent who is genuinely interested. That’s how we started our correspondence with Xiaoling two years ago. I’ve visited her in Fushun three times, now she is coming to me – for staying here. I’m an almost married man thanks to you, AsianSingles2day!

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Ivar, Iceland

John and Xi­u­juan met on our site and now they are plan­n­ing their wed­d­ing.

John has been lone­ly for a long time in NYC, USA. He had a big fam­i­ly with two grown-up kids. He had visit­ed Chi­na when he was quite young and ev­er since then had liked the coun­try and now he dreamed of meet­ing a beau­ti…

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John and Xiujuan

This website has given me a new lease on life! I met Huiling within a few weeks of joining and it’s been a dream ride to where we are now. The website provided so many great tools to help us communicate and grow our relationship and it seemed so much simpler than on other online dating websites that I’ve used!
Things between us progressed quickly…we have now been married for just over…

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Peter, USA

This is Rol­ly from the USA. He had been on our dat­ing site for some time where he had met a few ladies. He had of­ten been to Chi­na to meet ladies and each time he visit­ed, he had a very good feel­ing about Chi­na and the peo­ple here. This con­vinced him to find a Chi­nese lady to be his part­n­er.

He said…

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Rolly and Shan

It started out as a small chat with the cute stranger and after two years full of chatting, letters and photos, she is here with me, the best lady in my life!

Sebastian, Austria

I used to talk to my mates about what our idea of a perfect woman would be! Well, being in my late-30s I thought my time had passed me by and my hopes of finding that perfect lady had gone. How wrong I was.
I joined Asian Singles 2 Day with little hope of my luck changing, but the first thing I noticed was how much fun it was! I met some amazing women…

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Daniel, England

You never know what to expect from a dating site, but here you are sure to find perfect service, convenient site, and serious sincere ladies. The best of them is Liling but sorry, guys, she is taken! I'm going to visit her later this year to celebrate our first anniversary!

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Jens, Germany

What can I say?! Living in a cosmopolitan city like Melbourne, I’d met a lot of ladies from all around the world, however, I’d struggled to find my soul mate. That special person I longed to meet! That all changed about six months ago when I joined this website.
After speaking to a couple of ladies in the first few days after joining, I began talking to a beautiful woman from China. After…

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Jared, Australia

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